Good morning July and here's 20 Jolly Facts about July

July was named after the famous Roman general Julius Caesar; it was selected by the Roman senate, being the month he was born in . Lying between June and August, July is the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar. As we’re at the beginning of the second half of the year, it’s a great time to start on a new foot. It’s also a great point to start working on any of those new year’s resolutions that you’ve put off attempting for the first half of the year! Like all other months, July has a pretty storied history worth taking a closer look at! So, let’s do just that and look at the origins of the month, the interesting observances it has, and some significant points in history that happened to fall in July! Fact 1: July was named after the famous Roman general Julius Caesar by the Roman senate; as it was the month he was born in. Julius Caesar was a formidable military general and statesman who was largely responsible for changing the Roman Republic into the Roman Empi...